About Me

About Me

I am a Ph.D. candidate at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, where I work on various deep learning problems under the supervision of Dr. Banafsheh Rekabdar . My research revolves around creating new algorithms for machine and deep learning and apply them in improving generative approaches for computer vision (images, videos) and natural language processing in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research Lab at SIU. In terms of biological deep neural network applications, my most recent work, Biologically Inspired Sleep Algorithm for VAEs, has employed the notion of sleep from biology and apply an off-line unsupervised “sleep” stage to modify the parameters of a fully connected VAE. Currently, I am working to extend this work to create a defense algorithm that uses a biologically inspired sleep phase in a VAE (Defense–VAE–Sleep) to purge adversarial perturbations from contaminated images.

I am originally from Jordan.

I had earned my bachelor’s at University of Jordan as a Computer Engineering major student . In 2015, I received by Masters degree in Computer Science from Applied Science University. There, I worked under Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd in problems related to digital signal and image processing. Recently, I worked with Umesh Timalsina under professor Wen chi Hou in databases and a novel multi-join algorithm.

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